Sunday, March 16, 2008

it begins again

Today we went for a ride to the local feed store, they were supposed to get chicks in on Friday and we wanted to pick up a couple of the more common breeds I didn't order from the hatchery. They were completely sold out. The kids were very disappointed so we headed off to another not as local feed store. Jackpot! They were out of Buff Orpingtons, but we were able to get two Rhode Island Reds (Ruby and Rosy) and four Ameraucanas, also called Easter Eggers. We opted not to get any Australorps, hubby calls them devil chickens because they are coal black with black eyes and the ones we had in the past were a bit, umm, evil.

The kids took turns holding the box on the way home and were very good about leaving the chicks in the box until we arrived home.

Hannah and the chicks - in the car Bubba and the chicks - in the car

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